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Rio Hondo College logo
Rio Hondo College logo

Elementary School Teachers

Teach pupils in public or private schools at the elementary level basic academic, social, and other formative skills. Exclude "Special Education Teachers" (25-2041 through 25-2043).

Employers are usually looking for candidates with a Bachelor's degree in their subject area .

California Labor Market Information 2016 - 2026:
Career Growth:
Salary range:
Average: $82,237.00 annually
Annual Avg Openings:
Source: Employment Development Department (EDD), State of California.

About RHC

Rio Hondo College, serving the communities of El Monte, Pico Rivera, Santa Fe Springs, South El Monte, and Whittier for over 50 years.


Rio Hondo College
3600 Workman Mill Road
Whittier, CA 90601

Phone: (562) 692-0921
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