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Certificate of Achievement
Kinesiology - Yoga Teacher Training Certificate

The Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Program prepares students for employment as a certified yoga instructor to lead both group classes and private individual sessions. It is possible to complete this certificate in one calendar year. The curriculum has been designed to equip the student with the background, both theoretical and practical, to pursue a job in gyms, recreational centers, colleges, after school programs, and private studios. Courses include yoga laboratories, anatomy, movement analysis, instructional theory, foundational and methodological aspects of yoga, asanas (poses), sequencing, delivery, body alignment, philosophy, and working with people who have special medical needs or injuries. Yoga instructors also implement a mind-body-spirit connection, providing a supportive and nurturing environment while being mindful of individualized needs to engage the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies. The program will enable students to become Yoga Alliance certified at the 200-hour level.

Please contact the Student Success Team for this program if you have any questions.

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Sample Education Plan

This sample education plan for the 2023-2024 catalog year represents one possible pathway through the program. Each university (UC, CSU, private, and others) has their own transfer requirements; please see a counselor to create an education plan that is customized to meet your needs. Additional course descriptions may be found in the College Catalog.
CourseUnitsTypically Offered
1st Semester
KINA 158 - Yoga IM1.0
KINA 158 - Yoga I (1.0 units)

Advisory:It is advised that students be able to engage in written college composition and read college-level texts.
Transfer to: UC (credit limit*), CSU
(*The UC will grant a maximum of 4 units credit for KINA activity courses)

This introductory course is designed for beginning students who want to learn the fundamental physical Asanas (poses) of Hatha Yoga as well as Pranayama (breathing techniques) and Dhyana (meditation techniques). The goal of the course is to integrate the mind, body, and spirit and to give students tools to better manage stress, alleviate physical tensions, and encourage optimum fitness. In the course, students learn proper physical alignment in the standing poses (i.e., Sun Salutation Series A-C, Warrior 1-2, Downward Dog, Upward Dog, Cobra, Triangle, Crescent); the floor poses (i.e., Staff, Lotus, Cobbler, Twists, Backbends); and elementary inversions (i.e., Inverted Leg Rest, Headstand Preparation, Wall-Dog Preparation). This course is a requirement for the Yoga Teacher Training Certificate of Achievement (C.O.A.) and an elective for the Fitness Specialist C.O.A.

KIN 058 - Yoga Teaching Training I: FoundationsM3.0
KIN 058 - Yoga Teaching Training I: Foundations (3.0 units)

Prerequisite:KINA 158
Corequisite:KINA 158
Advisory:It is advised that students be able to engage in written composition at a college level and read college-level texts.

This course includes foundational information necessary for those intending to teach Hatha Yoga. Students who successfully complete this course with the corequisite, one-unit lab practicum and KINA 258 Yoga II will fulfill one half, or 100 hours, required for the Yoga Alliance RYS 200 Certification. The first of a sequential two-part series, Yoga Teacher Training I: Foundations focuses on establishing a personal practice in combination with an experiential analysis of the foundational Hatha Yoga techniques of Pranayama (breath control), Asana (postures), and Dhyana (meditation). This course also introduces students to the history and philosophy of yoga, as well as the ethics, methodologies, and business of teaching yoga. This course is designed for students pursuing the Yoga Teacher Training Certificate or a career teaching yoga in the fitness industry, or those interested in furthering their understanding of the effects of yoga for health, fitness, and performance.

Total Semester Units:4.0 
2nd Semester
KINA 258 - Yoga IIM1.0
KINA 258 - Yoga II (1.0 units)

Prerequisite: KINA 158
Transfer to:UC (credit limit*), CSU
(*The UC will grant a maximum of 4 units credit for KINA activity courses)

This course is designed for intermediate students who want to advance their familiarity with the physical asanas (poses) of Hatha Yoga as well as Pranayama (breathing techniques) and Dhyana (meditation techniques). The goal of the course is to integrate the mind, body, and spirit and to further challenge students in their physical practice by increasing sustainment, perfecting alignment, and incorporating twists and wraps. Parivrtta Trikonasana, Prasarita Padottanasana, Malasana, Garudasana, Natasajasana, Utthita Hasta Padangustasana, Chaturanga Dandasana, Purvottanasana, Navasana, Virasana, Ustrasana, Matsyasana, Sarvangasana, Suryya Namaskar B are covered in depth during the course. This course is required for the Yoga Teacher Training Certificate of Achievement (C.O.A.)

KIN 145 - Theory and Analysis of Fitness InstructionM2.0
KIN 145 - Theory and Analysis of Fitness Instruction (2.0 units)

Advisory:This introductory course covers the principles and techniques involved in teaching group exercise and developing a personal trainer/client relationship. Emphasis is placed on client assessment, communication skills, program design, exercise adherence, teaching strategies, and professional responsibility and liability. This course is designed for students pursuing a career in the fitness industry or a certificate in the Fitness Specialist Program, as well as students interested in furthering their understanding of the effects of exercise on the mind and body.

KIN 059 - Yoga Teaching Training II: MethodologiesM3.0
KIN 059 - Yoga Teaching Training II: Methodologies (3.0 units)

Prerequisite:KIN 058, KINA 258
Corequisite:KINA 258

This course builds upon Yoga Teacher Training I: Foundations (KIN 058) to include further study about information necessary for students intending to teach Hatha Yoga. Students who successfully complete this course will fulfill one half, or 100 hours necessary to apply for the Yoga Alliance RYS 200 Certification. The second of a sequential two-part series, Yoga Teacher Training II: Methodologies builds on the foundations of analysis and personal practice to Pranayama, Asana, and Dhyana. Students study the historical contexts and philosophies of Hatha Yoga as it is taught in the United States today, as well as the ethics, methodologies, and business of teaching yoga. This course is designed for students pursuing the Yoga Teacher Training Certificate or a career teaching yoga in the fitness industry, or for those interested in furthering their understanding of the effects of yoga for health, fitness, and performance.

KIN 146 - Training Principles for Special PopulationsM2.0
KIN 146 - Training Principles for Special Populations (2.0 units)

Advisory:It is advised that students be able to engage in written composition at a college level and read college-level texts.
Transfers to: CSU

This course provides an overview of the exercise implications for special populations related to age, medical condition, and level of fitness. Emphasis is placed on cardiovascular and respiratory conditions, exercise-induced asthma, metabolic disorders, diabetes, obesity, orthopedic injuries, physical disabilities, auto-immune issues, sensory impairments, mental challenges, geriatrics/seniors, children, pregnant and post-partum women, and the issues and challenges of exercise. This course is designed for the student pursuing a career in the fitness industry; a certificate in Fitness Specialist, Yoga Teacher Training, and Community Health Worker Program; as well as those interested in furthering their understanding of the effects of exercise on the mind and body.

Total Semester Units:8.0 
Total Units for Kinesiology - Yoga Teacher Training Certificate COA program 12.0 
AP exams and courses taken outside of Rio Hondo College may fulfill general education and/or major requirements. Please check with a counselor.
M Major course; course may also meet a general education requirement
Advising Sheet:
Click or tap here to open the program's advising sheet.

Program Learning Outcomes


Students will demonstrate and explain the anatomical alignment points and physiological benefits of key poses in each category of hatha yoga asana/postures: standing/balancing poses, forward bends, backbends, and inversions.


Students will demonstrate and explain the form and functions of four basic yogic breath control techniques; diaphragmatic breath, ujjayi breath, nadi shodana and breath of fire.


Students will demonstrate and explain the form and function of four basic meditation techniques used in hatha yoga; following the breath, visualization, loving kindness and mantra meditation.


Students will design and teach a beginning hatha yoga class and utilize best practices for cueing, assisting and giving adjustments.


Students will summarize the history and contemporary context of hatha yoga. Include the ethics of yoga in Patanjali’s “Yoga Sutras” and how this can be implemented in the contemporary student-teacher relationship.

About RHC

Rio Hondo College, serving the communities of El Monte, Pico Rivera, Santa Fe Springs, South El Monte, and Whittier for over 50 years.


Rio Hondo College
3600 Workman Mill Road
Whittier, CA 90601

Phone: (562) 692-0921
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